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Friday, May 29, 2009

How to set up a good relationship with your Clients

Are you Very upset with your business clients? Are you a client who is not satisfied with the services you are receiving? Are you in strake, and complaining about your business transactions?
When all people concerned follow some basic guidelines, everyone can win. It is always helpful to follow the golden rule: Do unto others as you want others to do unto you. It is also important to remember that everyone is a human being first, and we all have the same basic needs to be heard, respected, and appreciated.

People who have integrity, and are consistently honest and reliable, have more success as clients and as servers. Notice I used the word, "servers." If we use that word, we are likely to have another perspective of what we are doing. I always say to my clients, "Thank you for the opportunity to serve you." Or, "I am grateful for the opportunity to support you to create what you want." That feels really good to them and to me.

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