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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How to get more and more Business in your Business

The first way in business to get more money in business is to get more customers. Sounds pretty easy, yeah right? So how come you haven't done that. Actually this is the first one that businesses focus on and it is only the top of the mountain. Selling more widgets to existing customers is the second way to bring in more money to your business. This step is so unused by business it is ridiculous.

The third way is increasing how often you sell more widgets to existing customers. OK, so number one you increase the number of transactions, number two you increase the size of the every transaction and number three you increase the frequency of the transactions. Not magic but it will work. Lets' look a little be closer at each step.

This is where most businesses put their main focus, even though it is seen as the least profitable way to grow you business. You are probably wondering why that is. Consider the cost to acquire new customers. It is expensive. You create and place ads in search engines, write direct mail campaigns, give away free videos and content just to bribe people to come to your website and purchase your widgets. Come on! You got to see this is the hardest sale to generate. Getting more customers is a big deal. Let me suggest some ways that you can use to double the amount of customers you already have.

Increase Your Traffic to Your Website
Most people rely on only one primary source of traffic. Don't do that. One is a lonely and dangerous number in business. One can disappear, literally go away. And when one goes away, zero shows up. Think of other ways to get traffic. Here are a few:

Banner Ad. There was a rumor out that banner ads were dead, yet I still see lots of banner ads. The banner ad is definitely not dead. Create a ugly ad with just a white background image with plain text describing your offer such as "Free Report reveals How to Get Over Guy - The Steps for Moving On". Step away from the fancy logo or slogan banner. Ugly banners work, always.

Direct Mail. I am having some success by sending out direct mail postcards directing people to a website where they can get a free book for the cost of shipping and handling. But what I am really doing, is acquiring that very first customer. I make that first sale and then use steps two and three, above to make a lot of money.

Convert More Sales
So your traffic remains the same but you double the amount of sales. Here are a few ways to double sales.

Change your sales letter copy. Rewrite and test your headline first. Then you want to test your offer. Please don't test these two together, your results will be diluted. Make your headline more powerful, more compelling or it could be funny and ridiculous. Once you are pleased with your headline then move on to testing the offer.

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