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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to collect More Sales

Sales professionals to small business owners can, in all honesty, be quite lazy. When new opportunities present themselves, that is the time to take advantage of them, get off the dime and move forward with directed and focused action.

I realized this once again when talking with a local business professional who is probably one of the hardest working businessmen I have ever met in Northwest Indiana. He attends almost every NW Indiana business networking event; knows at least two people in every restaurant he frequents; is very involved in the communities of NW Indiana; and on top of all that consistently demonstrates incredibly high values. He puts the Energizer Bunny to shame.

We were having one of our regular luncheons where we share ideas back and forth. He told me he was changing his next business before hours to a Friday morning. With the subject matter about social and business networking and how it can potentially increase sales, he believed it was time to "shake things up" and see if he could attract new attendees.

After all, the purpose of these "business before hours" was to bring in new potential clients to his establishment. I told him what a great idea! Then he told me that some fellow business colleagues complained because it could not be on the usual Wednesday am schedule. How short sighted!

Opportunity is opportunity. Unfortunately, too many business professionals forget to carpe diem." They, as in the words of Thomas Edison, miss opportunity because it is dressed in overalls" and looks like work. My sense is those complaining would not have been as verbal had he suggested a Friday evening wine and cheese event. These are the same folks who do not want to travel 30 minutes to attend a business networking event. I have actually heard "Well if they cannot hold it near my office, I am simply not going!"

The other side to this story is another elephant in the room - the self-centered nature of some in business. Instead of seeing the opportunity to potentially meet and greet new contacts and support someone who had provided numerous business networking events (new marketing and selling opportunities) the last couple of years, these selfish folks, and yes I said selfish, thought about themselves, their own inconvenience first and foremost. In many instances, these are the same folks who believe referrals are a one way street to them.

Opportunity to grow your business, increase sales and be the Red Jacket is just around the next corner. All you need to do is to move out of your comfort zone, stop being lazy and take action.

Be the most effective salesperson you can be by having a customer focus. How do you cultivate a customer focus? By listening, interpreting, evaluating, and understanding your customers' wants and needs. It is only after listening and internalizing your customers' goals that you can respond appropriately.

Ask good questions and then listen carefully to the responses. Be sure to observe nonverbal communication, too, including tone, pitch, intonation and energy level. Note body language to truly understand what your customers are trying to tell you.

Being an active listener does not minimize your need to be clear, concise and persuasive. It simply improves your ability to perform those tasks to the best of your ability. Astute listening skills arm you with the tools you need to respond appropriately and be more successful.

Establish conversations where there is interaction between you and your customers. Ask open-ended questions. Listen to the responses. Respond by letting them know how you interpreted what they said to make sure you did not misunderstand. Listen again and then ask another question that will help you address their wants. You will not only get the information you need but also establish a relationship with customers that has the potential to bring in future business.

Customers appreciate it when you listen attentively. They want you to focus on them tune in to their special needs. You can let them know you are listening by nodding from time to time or with brief spoken responses. If there is something you don't understand, don't act as though you do. Ask for clarification.

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