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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Referrals Sales Management

Your referrals are your source of future sales; hence, you have to manage them well. Referrals are what sales people look for and once they found them; it would be hard to send them away without introducing first what there is to offer.

When referral management kicks off and graces the marketing strategies of marketers, everybody seems to be bewildered with its capabilities to attract potential buyers. Marketers are the most grateful people once they receive referrals from their satisfied customers. That is why referrals are regarded with so much care as they can possibly bring more sales.

To better understand your referrals more and to successfully encourage them embrace your services and products, you have to determine everything about them, from their background, buying preferences, to their buying capabilities. They are your leads and they can also generate more leads by using the four prominent referral tiers that will aid you in acquiring more leads. These tiers include:

Today, it happened again. However no longer does this experience upset me. Now I use it as an opportunity to write about it or share it within my business coaching training practice.

Maybe this happens to you as well.? Do you ever receive a phone call from a tele-marketer and they simply did not listen to your first 10 words? For me, I receive these calls at least once a week if not several times.

I pick up the receiver, speak clearly into the phone sharing my name and then asking this question: How can I help you? And would you not know it, the calling party pays no attention to what I have just said and then asks for me by name. In other words this person, did not listen to my when I answered the phone.

When are sales people going to get it? I mean how hard is it to listen? Are they so focused on their sales script that they forget they have an actual person on the other end who is being professional and responsive to their phone call? Sales Coaching Tip: If you are telling, you are not selling.

This leads to the bigger question is why don't people engage in active listening skills? The answer to this question is probably directly connected to one if not more of these 5 areas:

Their ego is engaged in what me go by focusing on telling instead of listening

They do not know their talents and this lack of awareness is reflected in their rush to tell

They have not learned how to develop their active listening skills
They are probably engaged in sales based marketing instead of education based marketing

Overall corporate culture of full steam ahead, damn the torpedoes, get the sale

So if you are in sales, when you make that call, take a deep breath, wait for the other person to speak, listen to hear his or her response, then and only then speak. By not listening you are losing sales and even worse through negative word of mouth advertising being identified as one of those salespersons, you know that pushy type.

Are the sales behaviors of your team or even yourself where you want them to be? If not, then you may discover an easy read on how to increase sales in this book, Be the Red Jacket in the Sea of Gray Suits, the Keys to Unlocking Sales Success.

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