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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Not getting fresh sale: Change your way

If you join this band wagon to rationalize your poor sales results, you need to step up and take responsibility for your own fate. It’s amazing how often sales teams play the victim here. They blame the marketing department, team or an individual, for their lack of sales.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m on your side. Often, in a typical, let’s say “traditional” organization, there is disconnection between marketing and the sales organization. There is a lack of communication, team work and common goals. Sad but true.

Often, the larger the company, the less marketing serves the individual sales professional. In corporations, it seems the norm for marketing is to concentrate on selling “the brand” and not products and services. Corporate marketing sells ‘the logo’ to trigger trust and positive emotions when people see it. Not all, but most, traditional marketing leans on advertising which fails to work directly for you in attracting new prospects and leads.

In small to medium-sized companies, there is usually a very small marketing team or a single very, over-worked marketer. Worst, as a business owner or independent professional, you don’t have a budget and you do everything! Again, marketing is absent or not good enough to generate enough new opportunities.

If you don’t accept that you have to take action yourself and keep looking outside for leads and prospects, you’re going to continue to fail to reach your sales objectives. The good news is that the technology and tools available today are powerful, affordable and effective for solving this challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing the useful information.

    Anyone enters into the business line with the aim to make more money. Achievement of the objective however, is largely dependent on the quantum of sales you achieve in any business. Whether it is a large enterprise or small business owner, whoever wants to make more money online or offline will require a set of sales professionals well versed in the trade having good sales training. Even the new sales representatives should be good motivational speaker for that matter. Essentially these are the key elements of success in business online or offline.
