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Monday, May 18, 2009

How to find coreg Leads through Online Marketing

Permission marketing is one of the most important and arguable the most effective strategies for any online business. The concept is very simple, but highly effective and it all boils down to a simple principle: it's a lot easier to sell something to an interested person than to just sell to a random stranger. Permission marketing is all about finding interested prospects and focusing your marketing efforts on them, instead of just stuffing your hand in a bag of m&m's hoping you will pick a green one. When it comes to permission marketing, coreg leads is the answer to many a online marketer’s prayers.

Before we get to coreg leads and why it is so effective, let's briefly look at why lead capturing is such an important strategy. At first glance the idea of building leads directly translates to an increase in sales and making more money. Although true, this is a very short sighted approach. Building leads is just so much more. With a single lead you can make multiple offers which often results in multiple sales. When you start building a database of interested prospects you can greatly increase your credibility and through constant contact with them you can start to develop a relationship. Once you gain their trust and respect your online business will soar.
The more experienced marketers online, focus their efforts on building leads, instead of making sales. The challenge then becomes one of building leads instead of making sales - which is an entire shift of focus. Since you can automate the 'selling process' through your auto-responder and follow-up emails, you really can shift all your attention to gaining more leads and building a relationship with them. This is then where coreg leads come in.

Co-registration, or coreg (for short) is a very powerful strategy for increasing your leads and consequently your customer base and your eventual sales. With coreg you are able to tap into high traffic website and place your offers in front of millions of interested prospects. Websites that get huge amounts of traffic (Yahoo, MSN, NY Times ec.) all do a lot of lead capturing and they almost exclusively use it for the purposes of selling or renting out these details. Coreg leads are leads that are captured from these high traffic sites and with the help of a 3rd party service you can get access to this traffic and the best part is that you only pay for the leads that actually sign up to your offer.

Coreg leads are not cheap, but they are not expensive either. As with all things online, you have to know exactly how much a customer is worth to you. With most coreg services you can expect to pay anything from $0.15 to $1 per lead. Although this might sound quite expensive, it really isn't as most CPC campaigns can cost you that much just for a single click – regardless of whether you get the sign up or not. With Coreg, you only pay for a sign-up.

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