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Friday, May 15, 2009

Why Call Reduce?

In the Present Economic Climate where Make a new sell is very tuff customers just buying, an old sales enemy has reared its ugly head. Call reluctance.

The truth is that this problem has never really gone away, but because, in general, sales have been relatively easy to come by, this curse was able to lurk at the fringes of sales society. Over the past ten years of economic growth, only the heaviest sufferers of this psychological malady were really impacted. Today however, is different. Call reluctance has become very prevalent within sales teams, especially amongst those teams that have had it relatively easy for a long time. Did you know that even your top producers and most experienced sellers can struggle with this issue?

The phenomenon of call reluctance may very well be killing your sales production right now, much more so than the turbulent economy. If this problem is plaguing your sales team, it means the difference between you meeting budget and dropping further behind!

So, if you or your sales team are not getting in front of enough new prospects and creating new demand, you need to keep reading further!

Firstly, avoiding new business sales calls creates mounting anxiety and pressure which results in immobilization.

Secondly, because they haven't had to rely on making new business sales calls to achieve their sales targets. This has caused them to become complacent about prospecting for new business, effectively choking off their new business pipeline. With no new business coming in, sales pressure mounts and exacerbates call reluctance even further creating a downward spiral of fear and immobilization.

At its essence, sales call reluctance is the experience of a heightened level of fear which inhibits the number of sales calls a salesperson will make. This intense feeling of apprehension can be so overwhelming that it renders the individual incapable of selling at all. As Connie Kandinsky, principal of Exceptional Sales Performance, whose business it is to help salespeople overcome this problem, points out, "Call reluctance can reduce a salesperson's knowledge, skills, abilities, and talents to a point where he or she is almost useless."

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