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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Need more Customers: Try Telemarketing Services

Every successful small business owner spends thousands every year on advertising. However most people may not be able to tell you how well their advertising is working, how many customers they are getting using various advertising media and what is the real cost of customer acquisition. Even more importantly, most business owners may blink at you if asked what is the real cost of customer retention. The Telemarketing services is very power full Services for Advertising and Sales leads.

If advertising dollar is not track able to the newly acquired or retained customers then it is a wasted dollar. If you do not have any knowledge of advertising whatsoever than you should remember one thing: AIDA. Where A is for attention, I for interest, D for desire and A for action. Whether you are advertising or promoting (or marketing) your product or service, your offer to the customer should be interesting enough to arouse a desire to take an action. It should focus on the benefits why your customer should buy your product and not from your competition. Good advertising often starts with 'Why' or 'How to...' and bad advertising often with name of he company, its history, and product... yawn... boring!

However it is expensive to get new customers via the advertising route. If you monitor closely or ask your accounts department for a complete breakdown then you may find that the new customers acquired via advertising are not as profitable as your existing customers, or the customers acquired via referrals. Does it sound obvious? Then why more businesses do not do it? Why owners are rushing to their phones every week to place an advertisement in their local paper, radio Internet, or whatever happens to be their medium of choice?

This is because calculating customer acquisition costs are often not as straightforward. As a rule of thumb, see how much you spend in a given quarter (or during the year) on average on advertising, add the cost of replying to potential customer inquiries including staff time and then divide this figure with the number of new customers acquired during this period. If you can track how much was sold to these customers then you will find out the profit per new customer at the cost of their acquisition.

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